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What Really Matters at the Beach

The beautiful view from the highway leading to
Cockleshell Beach on St. Kitts

     It has been almost a year since I visited the beautiful island of St. Kitts, but my memories of sun-drenched beaches have me longing for a return trip. So, my husband and I will go again in a few months, with every intention of soaking in the views and the warm water.
     In order to make this trip more memorable and relaxing, I have streamlined my pre-travel arrangements so that I can spend more time on the beach. One of the most important things I have done is to eliminate unnecessary baggage. Here are my personal steps, and they may work for you:

1. I will no longer take along a beach towel, opting to dry off in the sun during a walk on the beach. Sometimes we just forget to let nature take a part in our plans.

2. I will take my snorkel and fins in the little drawstring bag they came with. This is a tote that can also hold my sunscreen.  I have a waterproof "wallet" for my cash, since many beach stands prefer green stuff. (see link below for the wallet I like)

3. I will rent the umbrella and chaise at the stand so I can enjoy a margarita while watching the kite surfers, paddle-boarders, and para-sailers. The chairs on the beach may not be the most comfortable, but they give you a place to put your tote and fins, etc. when you feel like taking a stroll.

4. I will delight in some island fare instead of bringing along snacks. I will travel light, and it may cost a little bit more money to eat at a hut on the beach, but it will mean less to carry.  My husband will appreciate a less-stressed travel companion.

     There are some things that are worth letting go of to get the things you desire most. I have found that you can't pour life's riches into arms already full. I opt for a more open-armed approach to beach life.

Happy travels to you, shalom!

This is my wallet:
